1981 BOLDOR 750



Messaggi: 3

Iscritto il: 06/10/2022, 21:30

Messaggio 13/10/2022, 12:14

1981 BOLDOR 750

Hi guys I have a 1981 CB750F2BB which I believe is only one of 150 made and all were for the Japanese market. It is the only 750 to wear the Bol D’or name.
Does anyone know if any other of these still in existence


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Master Platinum
Master Platinum

Messaggi: 5009

Iscritto il: 30/12/2009, 18:18

Località: Padova

Messaggio 14/10/2022, 21:12

Re: 1981 BOLDOR 750

Hi Hugh, wellcome to the forum.
I never saw a 750 with those colors.
In the Italian market the livery, fork and dashboard are on the 900 f2 from '81 to '92.


Messaggi: 3

Iscritto il: 06/10/2022, 21:30

Messaggio 16/10/2022, 10:52

Re: 1981 BOLDOR 750

Thank you for the reply

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